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Best economy rate for Barcombe Stoolball Club

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

Players must have bowled at least 5 times to appear in this list.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Economy
1 Liz Symons
Barcombe Ladies
14 7 3.93
2 Mim Christian-Wells
Barcombe Ladies
55 34 6.37
3 Paula Peters
Barcombe Ladies
82 79 6.73
4 Charlotte Markham
Barcombe Ladies
33 25 7.38
5 Angharad Hills
Barcombe Ladies
109 104 7.52
6 Amanda Ridley
Barcombe Ladies
93 87 7.57
7 Sophie Order
Barcombe Ladies
10 8 7.61
8 Olivia Duncan
Barcombe Ladies
17 9 8.06
9 Leo
Barcombe Mixed
6 5 8.67
10 Rubi Batton
Barcombe Ladies
73 32 9.10
11 Lisa
Barcombe Mixed
7 7 9.36
12 Harry
Barcombe Mixed
7 6 9.43
13 Stan
Barcombe Mixed
5 5 9.86
14 Nick
Barcombe Mixed
7 7 13.71
15 Harvey
Barcombe Mixed
8 8 15.00
16 Mim
Barcombe Mixed
9 9 15.71