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Most catches in the Coastal League, 2014 season

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Catches
51 Michelle Hole
Goring Ladies
7 2
= Nicky Ifould
Aldingbourne Ladies
7 2
= E Marchant
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
7 2
= Jo Lucking
Goring Ladies
7 2
= Carole Curtis
7 2
= Donna Willard
Goring Ladies
8 2
= Jennifer Langmead
8 2
= Chloe Luff
9 2
= Rachel Chenery
East Preston
10 2
= Jacqui Bowles
Middleton Ladies
12 2
61 E Wilde
Aldingbourne Ladies
1 1
= I Anderson
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
1 1
= Claire Hawkins
East Preston
1 1
= H. Deans
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
1 1
= Vicky Peters
East Preston
1 1
= Helen
Goring Ladies
1 1
= Nichola Goman
1 1
= Niomi Collis
Middleton Ladies
1 1
= Jenny Garner
1 1
= B Hornby
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
2 1
= Justine Sayer
Goring Ladies
2 1
= Ami Collier
2 1
= Sue Boxall
2 1
= D Culver
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
3 1
= Becky Foot
Middleton Ladies
4 1
= B Wilson
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
4 1
= Grace Adamou
East Preston
4 1
= Freya Francis
5 1
= Sarah Daymond
Middleton Ladies
6 1
= M Cook
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
6 1
= Emma Wilde
Aldingbourne Ladies
7 1
= Hannah Stemp
Middleton Ladies
7 1
= Debbie Francis
8 1
= Leanne White
8 1
= Naomi Collis
Middleton Ladies
8 1
= Caroline Thomas
Goring Ladies
8 1
= Cindy Gunn
Goring Ladies
8 1
= Eirenne Hashmi
Aldingbourne Ladies
8 1
= Karina Collier
9 1
= Sandra Turner
9 1
= T Lennard
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
10 1
= Karen Lock
East Preston
11 1
= Julie Tester
12 1

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