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Most wickets in the Mid Sussex Mixed League, 2012 season

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
51 Emma Fordham
Maresfield Mixed
6 3 2
= Paul Fielding
Brook Street
7 3 2
= Kirsty
Chailey Mixed
4 4 2
= Megan Baker
Brook Street
6 4 2
= Sara
Chailey Mixed
6 5 2
= Bill Lindfield
Cowfold Bulls
9 5 2
= Martin
Chailey Mixed
7 7 2
58 Jacob
Nutley Mixed
1 1 1
= Johnny
The Plums
1 1 1
= Rob Weller
Brook Street
1 1 1
= Osaka
The Plums
1 1 1
= Dawn
The Plums
1 1 1
= Kiwi
The Plums
1 1 1
= Jake Budd
Maresfield Mixed
1 1 1
= Cotts
1 1 1
= Donna Weller
Nutley Mixed
1 1 1
= Jan Beale
The Plums
2 1 1
= John
The Plums
2 1 1
= Tommo
2 1 1
= Dawn Stevens
The Plums
2 1 1
= Pete
East Hoathly and Halland
2 1 1
= Daryl
Nutley Mixed
2 1 1
= Dj
Nutley Mixed
3 1 1
= Jason McDowell
Cowfold Bulls
9 1 1
= Sarah
Chailey Mixed
2 2 1
= Jan
The Plums
2 2 1
= Vicky Lindfield
Cowfold Bulls
2 2 1
= Matt
2 2 1
= Charlotte Wall
Brook Street
3 2 1
= Dawn
4 2 1
= Marie Edwards
Brook Street
8 2 1
= Mary
3 3 1
= Isak
The Plums
3 3 1
= Jordi Southgate
Maresfield Mixed
4 3 1
= Shamen
Chailey Mixed
5 4 1
= Chris
Chailey Mixed
5 5 1
= Jamie
Chailey Mixed
6 6 1

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