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Highest individual scores in the Surrey Ladies Stoolball Association, A League

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Match When Runs Balls
3651 Lisa 10 July 2017 5 6
= Lisa 20 July 2017 5 6
= Lisa 12 May 2014 5
= Val Purnell 3 June 2019 5
= Fiona Kilfeather 15 May 2018 5
= Fiona Kilfeather 3 August 2016 5
= Kerri 23 July 2013 5
= Sarah F 2 July 2013 5
= Jenn Brown 1 June 2015 5
= Kirsty 18 June 2014 5
= Megan 19 May 2016 5 8
= Sophie S 22 May 2017 5
= Mandy McGachie 30 April 2014 5
= Heidi 11 July 2013 5
= Kirsty 21 July 2016 5
= Val Purnell 15 June 2017 5
= Helen Bryce 23 May 2011 5
= Val Purnell 7 June 2018 5
= Oz 21 June 2022 5
= Lizzie 17 July 2013 5
= Pam 30 June 2022 5
= Claire 17 July 2017 5
= Stacey Oliver 22 July 2019 5
= Louise 4 June 2013 5
= Jenny Grout 16 May 2013 5
= Sarah 4 July 2013 5
= Elaine 27 June 2012 5
= Elaine 8 May 2013 5
= Kim 18 June 2013 5
= Kim 11 July 2013 5
= Anna 23 May 2017 5 3
= Jess 10 July 2017 5 7
= Shona 6 July 2015 5
= Jane Knight 29 June 2010 5
= Sue Target 29 June 2010 5
= Nat 21 July 2015 5
= Julia 17 July 2013 5
= Sally 26 July 2016 5
= Louise M 9 June 2010 5
= Jenny 18 July 2017 5
= Jenny 9 July 2013 5
= Kathy 31 July 2013 5
= Christie 17 June 2013 5
= Lou 21 May 2019 5
= Dona Stevens 7 July 2016 5 8
= Beth 22 July 2019 5
= Bernie 8 July 2013 5
= Leslie 12 May 2010 5
= Joanne Streeter 12 May 2014 5
= Lesley 13 May 2013 5

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