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Most wickets at Barns Green village green, Barns Green

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
101 Heather Cresswell
1 1 1
= A Blunden
2 1 1
= D Flower
Steyning and District
2 1 1
= Frances Rainey
East Preston
2 1 1
= K Gates
Barns Green
2 1 1
= K McIntosh
Barns Green
2 1 1
= Bernie Baker
2 1 1
= S Bushby
2 1 1
= Hannah Briggs
Barns Green
3 1 1
= Steph Green
East Preston
3 1 1
= Anne Davis
Barns Green
4 1 1
= Katie Neil-Smith
East Preston
4 1 1
= Becky Green
East Preston
5 1 1
= Sarah Cambell-Atkin
5 1 1
= N Reynolds
Barns Green
6 1 1
= Clare McKnight
Aldingbourne Ladies
6 1 1
= Sally Booker
Broadbridge Heath
9 1 1
= Natalia James
Barns Green
12 1 1
= Amy Lidbetter
Broadbridge Heath
4 2 1

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