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Most wickets at Fords Green, Nutley

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
51 Donna Weller
Nutley Ladies
21 2 4
= Dale Powis
Nutley Mixed
3 3 4
= Donna Weller
Nutley Mixed
6 3 4
54 Wendy Howell
1 1 3
= Joan Stephens
1 1 3
= Audrey Johnstone
East Grinstead Ladies
1 1 3
= Sam A
The Plums
1 1 3
= Liz Mclarnon
Uckfield RFC Ladies
1 1 3
= Kerry
Chailey Mixed
1 1 3
= Carol Nichols
SCSA West Division
1 1 3
= Mandy
1 1 3
= Rachel Alderman
Hartfield Ladies
1 1 3
= Adele McPhee
SCSA Central Division
1 1 3
= Chantelle Williams
Maresfield Mixed
1 1 3
= Theresa Bate
Uckfield RFC Ladies
1 1 3
= Sarah
Newick Ladies
1 1 3
= Alice Mcleiann
1 1 3
= Emma Bowes-Crick
Uckfield RFC Mixed
1 1 3
= Sally Lacy
2 1 3
= Paul Fielding
Brook Street
2 1 3
= Ashley
Nutley Ladies
2 1 3
= Joan Stephenson
2 2 3
= Jessica Goldsmith
Hartfield Ladies
2 2 3
= Shirley Heall
3 2 3
= Brett
Nutley Mixed
4 2 3
= Anne Marie Piers
Fletching Ladies
6 3 3
= Dave Tory
Maresfield Mixed
4 4 3
= Chantelle Bennett
Maresfield Ladies
4 4 3
= Danni Newitt
Nutley Mixed
4 4 3
= Claire Hayward
Hartfield Ladies
6 4 3
= Ben
Nutley Mixed
9 4 3
= Dale
Nutley Mixed
11 4 3
= Amanda Scott
Nutley Ladies
5 5 3
= Donna
Nutley Mixed
8 5 3
= Stuart Chappell
Maresfield Mixed
7 6 3
= Sue Maynard
Hartfield Ladies
7 6 3
= Sara Hobden
Maresfield Ladies
7 6 3
= Michelle
Nutley Ladies
7 7 3
= Annabel Kent
Maresfield Ladies
10 8 3
= Kate Rahn
Nutley Ladies
15 8 3
91 Lauren Gardner
SCSA Central Division
1 1 2
= Asleigh Wells
Nutley Ladies
1 1 2
= Danni Heweet
Nutley Ladies
1 1 2
= Sarah Chapman
Newick Ladies
1 1 2
= Heather
Nutley Mixed
1 1 2
= Wendy Howell16
1 1 2
= Eloise Saunders
Fletching Ladies
1 1 2
= Ellie Rowland
1 1 2
= Callum
1 1 2
= Lisa
Nutley Mixed
1 1 2

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