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Most wickets at Fords Green, Nutley

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
101 Sharon
Nutley Mixed
1 1 2
= Libby Shead
1 1 2
= Russell Whalin
Maresfield Mixed
1 1 2
= Caroline Potter
Hartfield Ladies
1 1 2
= Alex S
Nutley Mixed
1 1 2
= Brian Osborne
1 1 2
= Pete Walker
Uckfield RFC Mixed
1 1 2
= Lynda Mullins
Uckfield RFC Ladies
1 1 2
= George Ratcliffe
Brook Street
2 1 2
= Ashley Wells
Nutley Ladies
2 1 2
= Fran Francis
East Grinstead Ladies
2 1 2
= Chris Towner
Brook Street
2 1 2
= Ginnie E
East Grinstead Ladies
2 1 2
= Sandra Gorringe
Punnetts Town
2 1 2
= Lauren Bonwick
Brook Street
4 1 2
= Libby
2 2 2
= Simone Ackers
2 2 2
= Becky Waterhouse
Punnetts Town
2 2 2
= Mollie Bates
Newick Ladies
2 2 2
= Lucy
Nutley Ladies
2 2 2
= Katie Hawks
Maresfield Mixed
2 2 2
= Stewart Povey-Meier
Uckfield RFC Mixed
2 2 2
= Maggie
2 2 2
= Hilary
3 2 2
= Sheila Horscroft
Maresfield Ladies
3 2 2
= Oli
Nutley Mixed
4 2 2
= Chelsea Nelson
Nutley Mixed
5 2 2
= Lynn Le Cras
Fletching Ladies
6 2 2
= Amanda Scott
Nutley Mixed
3 3 2
= Lyndsey Barker
Hartfield Ladies
3 3 2
= Ashleigh
Nutley Ladies
6 4 2
= Tracy Allen
Maresfield Ladies
11 6 2
= Jo
Nutley Mixed
13 6 2
134 Sarah George
Uckfield RFC Mixed
1 1 1
= Sarah
Chailey Mixed
1 1 1
= Jane
East Hoathly and Halland
1 1 1
= Tom Wylie
Uckfield RFC Mixed
1 1 1
= Ellie
1 1 1
= John Smedley
The Plums
1 1 1
= Melissa Mantell
SCSA West Division
1 1 1
= Steve King
Maresfield Mixed
1 1 1
= Amanda Scott
Newick Mixed
1 1 1
= Michele Poulter
Uckfield Ladies
1 1 1
= Jon Sanders
Hartfield Mixed
1 1 1
= Dazza Wells
Nutley Mixed
1 1 1
= Stevo
The Plums
1 1 1
= Julie Harret
1 1 1
= Michelle H
Nutley Mixed
1 1 1
= Karen Jones
Hartfield Ladies
1 1 1
= Joe
Nutley Mixed
1 1 1

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