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Most wickets at Fords Green, Nutley

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
201 Jade
Nutley Ladies
3 1 1
= Debbie
Nutley Mixed
3 1 1
= Hayley Zingaurd
Nutley Ladies
3 1 1
= Wendy Saunders
Hartfield Ladies
3 1 1
= Chelsie Nelson
Nutley Ladies
3 1 1
= Danni
Nutley Ladies
3 1 1
= Becci Camis
Maresfield Ladies
4 1 1
= Tom Wylie
Brook Street
4 1 1
= Dave Wiseman
Brook Street
4 1 1
= Becky
Nutley Mixed
4 1 1
= Josie Mitchell
Nutley Ladies
5 1 1
= Matt Harding
Nutley Mixed
5 1 1
= Donna Weller
Fletching Ladies
6 1 1
= Amber Richardson
Maresfield Mixed
7 1 1
= Debbie Dadswell
Nutley Ladies
31 1 1
= Jason
2 2 1
= Danny
Newick Mixed
2 2 1
= Catherine Polter
2 2 1
= Freya Gilani-Tolhurst
Maresfield Mixed
2 2 1
= Marion Campbell
Newick Ladies
2 2 1
= David Hemsley
Newick Mixed
2 2 1
= Alison Collings
Maresfield Mixed
2 2 1
= Kelsey
Nutley Mixed
2 2 1
= Simone
2 2 1
= Hillary
2 2 1
= Kerry
2 2 1
= Nick
Newick Mixed
2 2 1
= Julie
2 2 1
= Jane Duffy
Punnetts Town
2 2 1
= Sue
2 2 1
= Ginnie
East Grinstead Ladies
3 2 1
= Catherine
4 2 1
= Howard Canning
Maresfield Mixed
4 2 1
= Marie Edwards
Brook Street
6 2 1
= Corrine Hobbs
Nutley Ladies
16 2 1
= Tracy Wyatt
Maresfield Ladies
3 3 1
= Jane Whitaker
Maresfield Mixed
3 3 1
= Clair Urry
Newick Ladies
3 3 1
= Stuart
Nutley Mixed
4 3 1
= Michael Stoner
Brook Street
6 3 1
= Ian Dobson
Brook Street
7 3 1
= Jordan
Nutley Mixed
8 4 1
= Jordi Southgate
Maresfield Mixed
12 5 1
= Naomi Walker
Nutley Ladies
13 6 1

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