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Most wickets at Hartfield Croft, Hartfield

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
151 Jane
Hartfield Mixed
1 1 1
= Theresa Bate
Uckfield RFC Ladies
1 1 1
= Lorna
Hartfield Mixed
2 1 1
= Sarah Ottway
Causeway Mixed
2 1 1
= Leanne
2 1 1
= Becky Ailles
Penshurst Mixed
2 1 1
= Karen Jones
Hartfield Mixed
2 1 1
= Jack P
Hartfield Mixed
2 1 1
= John
Hartfield Mixed
2 1 1
= Dave
Hartfield Mixed
2 1 1
= Tracey
2 1 1
= Helen Acraman
Sevenoaks Weald and Weald Ladies
2 1 1
= Bryony Morris
Hartfield Ladies
3 1 1
= Sandra Gorringe
Punnetts Town
3 1 1
= Nicky Rummery
Maresfield Ladies
3 1 1
= Anne Hardwick
Penshurst Mixed
2 2 1
= Dale
Sevenoaks Weald
2 2 1
= Douggie Gower
Causeway Mixed
2 2 1
= Dali Hayward
Hartfield Mixed
2 2 1
= Ben
Sevenoaks Weald and Weald Ladies
2 2 1
= Bryony Knight
2 2 1
= Jenny Ridley
Nutley Ladies
2 2 1
= Clair Urry
Newick Ladies
3 2 1
= Rachelli Yaafe
Maresfield Ladies
3 2 1
= Tom Richardson
Causeway Mixed
3 2 1
= Tracy Allen
Maresfield Mixed
3 2 1
= Jane Duffy
Punnetts Town
3 2 1
= Sheila Horscroft
Maresfield Ladies
3 3 1
= Tracy Wyatt
Maresfield Ladies
3 3 1
= Sally Batley
Hartfield Mixed
3 3 1
= Sean Rayland
Causeway Mixed
3 3 1
= Chris Burns
Causeway Mixed
4 3 1
= Beth Makepeace
Penshurst Mixed
4 3 1
= Melanie Pearce
Hartfield Ladies
4 4 1
= Maddie Maynard
Hartfield Ladies
8 4 1
= Claire Hayward
Hartfield Mixed
7 6 1
= Sally Batley
Hartfield Ladies
14 7 1

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