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Most scores of 50 or more runs at Icklesham Recreation Ground, Winchelsea

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Scores of 50+
1 Tamsin
Icklesham Mixed
45 36 8
2 Rachel
Icklesham Ladies
22 20 7
= Matt
Icklesham Mixed
27 19 7
4 Craig
Icklesham Mixed
56 46 6
= Tristan
Icklesham Mixed
78 39 6
= Jake
Icklesham Mixed
38 26 6
7 Rachel
Icklesham Mixed
52 38 5
8 Nathan
Pett Mixed
13 11 4
= Heidi
Icklesham Ladies
25 19 4
= Kevin
Icklesham Mixed
64 46 4
11 Will T
Icklesham Mixed
18 14 3
= Sophie
Pett Ladies
6 6 3
= Toby
Icklesham Mixed
50 45 3
= Ryan
Pett Mixed
13 13 3
= Ben M
Icklesham Mixed
24 20 3
16 Adrian
6 4 2
= Judy
Hooe Ladies
7 6 2
= Allan
7 6 2
= Raisa
Icklesham Ladies
13 12 2
= Ben
Civil Service
9 9 2
= Jeanette
Hooe Ladies
7 6 2
= Eric
Scorpions Mixed
7 7 2
= Steve
Catsfield Mixed
6 5 2
= Scott
Scorpions Mixed
3 3 2
= Barry
Pett Mixed
4 3 2
26 Danny
Icklesham Mixed
4 4 1
= Mandy
Brightling Ladies
4 4 1
= Beth
Hooe Ladies
4 3 1
= Sue
Hooe Ladies
3 3 1
= Neil B
Civil Service
1 1 1
= Nicky
Pett Mixed
16 13 1
= Nicky
Pett Ladies
5 4 1
= Richard
Hooe Mixed
2 2 1
= Janet
Pett Ladies
5 3 1
= Josh
Icklesham Mixed
18 14 1
= George
Icklesham Mixed
40 29 1
= Louisa
Icklesham Mixed
28 13 1
= Will
Hooe Mixed
1 1 1
= Luke
Catsfield Mixed
2 2 1
= Richard
Icklesham Mixed
8 7 1
= Sarah.C
Robertsbridge Ladies
2 2 1
= Tamsin
Icklesham Ladies
20 15 1
= Katie
Catsfield Ladies
5 5 1
= Neil C
Civil Service
1 1 1
= Mildred
Icklesham Ladies
24 20 1
= Neil
Civil Service
5 5 1
= Lisa
Pett Ladies
5 4 1
= Scott H
Catsfield Mixed
6 5 1
= Jane
Hooe Ladies
2 2 1
= Paul
Catsfield Mixed
4 3 1

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