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Most catches at Maresfield recreation ground, Maresfield

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Catches
201 George Walter
Uckfield RFC Mixed
1 1
= Kirsty B
East Grinstead Ladies
1 1
= Kirsty G
East Grinstead Ladies
1 1
= Ini
Newick Mixed
1 1
= Reece
Brook Street
1 1
= Sara Baldwin
Punnetts Town
1 1
= Rhys
Brook Street
1 1
= Gavin Edwards
Maresfield Mixed
1 1
= Pete
Hildenborough Mixed
1 1
= Andy Watson
1 1
= Lyn
1 1
= Linda
Uckfield RFC Ladies
1 1
= Jess
Newick Ladies
1 1
= Josie Mitchell
Nutley Ladies
1 1
= Chris Collins
Cowfold Bulls
1 1
= Samantha
The Plums
1 1
= Nick Parsons
Nutley Mixed
1 1
= Ash Wabe
Cowfold Bulls
1 1
= Shamen
Chailey Mixed
1 1
= Alex Sweeting
Brook Street
1 1
= Patience
Chailey Mixed
1 1
= Laura Turner
Brook Street
1 1
= Jane French
Hartfield Ladies
1 1
= Laura Martin
Uckfield RFC Mixed
1 1
= Anthony Delaney
Maresfield Mixed
1 1
= Suzanne Green
1 1
= Dave Townsend
Maresfield Mixed
1 1
= Jo Hoadley
Nutley Ladies
1 1
= Flodge
The Plums
1 1
= Richard Le-Lievre
Newick Mixed
1 1
= Karen Andrews
Fletching Ladies
1 1
= Terry Coltman
Uckfield Mixed
1 1
= Paul W
Hildenborough Mixed
1 1
= Scott
Newick Mixed
1 1
= Harry Buttifant
Uckfield RFC Mixed
1 1
= Lucy May
Uckfield RFC Mixed
1 1
= Steve Medhurst
Hartfield Mixed
1 1
= Nick
Nutley Mixed
1 1
= Nick Stoddart
Maresfield Mixed
1 1
= Neil Emery
Hartfield Mixed
1 1
= Sam Morgan
Newick Ladies
1 1
= Sally
Maresfield Ladies
1 1
= Anton
Brook Street
1 1
= Neil Waugh
Maresfield Mixed
1 1
= Janine
Uckfield RFC Ladies
1 1
= Beth
Hildenborough Mixed
1 1
= Adam
Nutley Mixed
1 1
= Dale Powis
Nutley Mixed
1 1
= Jack
Nutley Mixed
1 1
= Hamish
Nutley Mixed
1 1

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