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Most scores of 50 or more runs at Maresfield recreation ground, Maresfield

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Scores of 50+
51 Karen
3 3 1
= Jo M
East Grinstead Ladies
3 3 1
= Gill Hemsley
Newick Ladies
7 5 1
= Cotts
2 2 1
= Chantelle Bennett
Maresfield Ladies
39 33 1
= Kim Arnold
1 1 1
= Sue Maynard
Hartfield Ladies
10 9 1
= Kim
5 5 1
= Megan Denman
Hartfield Ladies
2 2 1
= Bryony Morris
Hartfield Ladies
3 3 1
= Hayleigh Gorringe
Punnetts Town
2 1 1
= Ginnie E
East Grinstead Ladies
2 2 1
= Katherine
4 4 1
= Claire Anderson
Maresfield Ladies
3 3 1
= Tracy Allen
Maresfield Ladies
61 47 1
= Kyrstie Linstead
Uckfield RFC Mixed
1 1 1
= Paula Gatward
Hartfield Ladies
3 3 1
= Susie Baker
Newick Ladies
1 1 1
= Tom Wylie
Brook Street
4 4 1
= Lyndsey Barker
Hartfield Ladies
5 4 1
= Nicky Godfrey
United Friends
1 1 1
= Thommo
2 2 1
= Jo Hobbs
Nutley Ladies
7 6 1
= Sheila Horscroft
Maresfield Ladies
29 28 1
= Lee Howell
Maresfield Mixed
15 15 1
= Sarah
East Grinstead Ladies
2 2 1
= Kate Rahn
Nutley Ladies
3 3 1
= Dawn Stevens
The Plums
3 2 1
= Michelle Wright
Maresfield Ladies
7 7 1

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