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Most scores of 50 or more runs at Mynthurst Cricket Ground, Charlwood

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Scores of 50+
1 Alyson Fagan
17 17 4
= Kim Condon
16 15 4
3 Emma
1 1 1
= Dionne
Strood Green Ladies
4 4 1
= Carla
1 1 1
= Bindy
2 2 1
= Denise Bargman
Alfold Ladies
2 2 1
= Caroline
Oakwood Hill
1 1 1
= Anna
Oakwood Hill
1 1 1
= Kim
Oakwood Hill
2 2 1
= Mandy McGachie
1 1 1
= Tara
Beare Green
1 1 1
= Sandra Gorringe
Stoolball England East Over 50s
1 1 1