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Most wickets at Wisborough Green Village Green, Wisborough Green

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
1 Sarah
Wisborough Green
3 3 6
2 Caroline Gorman
1 1 4
= Jasmine Rushin
Wisborough Green
2 2 4
4 Fiona Kilfeather
1 1 3
= Jodie Rushin
Wisborough Green
3 3 3
6 Sylvia Rowbotham
1 1 2
= Zan Rees
1 1 2
= Claire Scale
Eastergate Ladies
1 1 2
9 Aimee Holloway
1 1 1
= Betsy
Wisborough Green
1 1 1
= Michelle Nutting
1 1 1
= Leah Head
Broadbridge Heath
1 1 1
= Ruby Warrington
1 1 1
= Emma Haley
Broadbridge Heath
1 1 1
= Jodie
Wisborough Green
1 1 1
= Kirsty Clarke
1 1 1
= Amy Lidbetter
Broadbridge Heath
1 1 1
= Judy Nanson
Eastergate Ladies
1 1 1
= Alison Luke
Wisborough Green
2 1 1
= Julie
Wisborough Green
4 2 1