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Most wickets

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
951 Cecelia Barwick
Sevenoaks Weald and Weald Ladies
46 13 10
= Tilly Boorman
Stonewall Park
46 13 10
= Molly H
North Holmwood
19 14 10
= Lucy Oakley
Bidborough Ladies
27 14 10
= Marie Edwards
Brook Street
31 14 10
= Kira Boulton
Fordcombe Ladies
70 14 10
= Jane Knight
North Holmwood
85 14 10
= Sean Rayland
Causeway Mixed
15 15 10
= Hans
Pett Mixed
15 15 10
= Adrian
16 15 10
= Loulou
Beare Green
18 15 10
= Rachel
19 15 10
= Alisha Robinson
Groombridge Ladies
21 15 10
= Lauren
Icklesham Mixed
17 16 10
= Charlotte Walter
Uckfield RFC Ladies
21 16 10
= Ruby Wyatt
Maresfield Ladies
32 16 10
= Vikki McKay
78 16 10
= Hayley Singuard
Nutley Ladies
38 18 10
= Claude Lovett
Laughton Ladies
40 19 10
= Ryan
Pett Mixed
20 20 10
= Alison Potts
Bidborough Ladies
81 21 10
= Helen Herbert
23 22 10
= Mark
Icklesham Mixed
26 24 10
= Grant Smith
43 26 10
= Sharon Wright
38 34 10
976 Amanda Curry
Stoolball England Chairman's XI
1 2 9
= Jane
Stone Cross Ladies
5 3 9
= H Morris
6 3 9
= S Russell
11 3 9
= Sylvia
5 4 9
= E Brinkhurst
Ringmer Ladies
5 4 9
= L Stoner
Steyning and District
5 4 9
= Chris Thompson
5 4 9
= Dolly Walker
5 5 9
= Laurie
Stone Cross Ladies
5 5 9
= Tegan Andre-Paris
7 5 9
= A Ridley
Barcombe Ladies
8 5 9
= Emily
Horsted Keynes
16 5 9
= Freya Francis
29 5 9
= Emily Fairhall
Lindfield Juniors
6 6 9
= Roxanne
Kirdford Ladies
7 6 9
= Caitlan Flower
Aldingbourne Ladies
10 6 9
= Sophie Mitchell
Lindfield Juniors
11 6 9
= Luke
East Hoathly and Halland
12 6 9
= Louise Simac
12 6 9
= Karen
Mountfield Ladies
12 6 9
= Sarah Williams
Leigh Ladies
12 6 9
= Holly Massie
14 6 9
= David Roberts
Maresfield Mixed
17 6 9
= Issie Pass
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
18 6 9

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