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Most run-outs for Burpham

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Matches Run-outs
1 Julie Tester 261 6
2 Sue Boxall 63 4
= Shirley Cross 128 4
= Jessica Challen 141 4
5 J Langley 1 3
= Pat Mann 158 3
7 ? 2 2
= Chantelle Kay 29 2
= Wendy Anderson 156 2
= Hannah Tomlinson 269 2
11 3 1 1
= Lucy 2 1
= Rachel Lennon 5 1
= L Hornby 39 1
= Jodie Colbourn 45 1
= Karen Keen 50 1
= Heather Cresswell 63 1
= Christine Faggetter 85 1
= Jessica Stanley 92 1
= Jennifer Langmead 132 1
= Vanessa Challen 223 1