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Best bowling strike rate for Newick Mixed

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

Players must have overs recorded in at least 5 innings to appear in this list.

# Player Matches Innings Strike rate
1 Eddie 10 5 10.00
2 Dani Brown 9 7 12.38
3 Danny 13 8 16.75
4 Nick 38 37 17.85
5 Scott 5 5 18.67
6 Liam 8 7 20.00
7 Emma 9 9 20.57
8 David Hemsley 17 10 21.33
9 Grace 8 7 30.00
10 Sam Le-Lievre 11 6 31.50
11 Bernie 9 6 32.00
12 Tim 8 7 36.00
13 Joe 7 6 37.00
14 Freya Le-Lievre 11 9 37.33
15 Craig Giles 7 5 40.00
16 Sarah 14 13 44.00
17 Charlie 26 20 62.00
18 Dave 5 5 63.00
19 Emily 5 5 64.00
20 Hayley 18 18 125.33