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Most wickets for Weald Ladies

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Matches Innings Wickets
1 Roberta Briant 126 116 121
2 Sarah Chatten 151 115 71
3 Nicky Norris 65 53 52
4 Millie Lingham 71 66 47
5 Holly Chatten 64 55 37
6 Jo Humphreys 57 39 25
7 Liana Bucur 82 43 21
8 Nikki Hadlow 71 52 20
9 Sophie Acraman 23 18 18
10 Ruby Elbra 23 21 16
11 Gabby Ravenscroft 15 13 14
= Harry Hadlow 17 17 14
= Andrea Hipgrave 28 21 14
= Jessica Mouve 25 22 14
15 Nicky Hadlow 23 15 11
16 Cecelia Barwick 46 13 10
17 Dunja Willaredt 14 10 8
18 Reuben Barnes 6 6 6
= Helen Acraman 53 7 6
= Mark Hadlow 13 10 6
= Kate Mulley 57 28 6
22 Rueben Barnes 7 4 5
= Tim 9 7 5
= Heather Olley 16 11 5
25 Catherine Barwick 11 4 4
= Mark 9 5 4
= Chantelle Mackie 13 9 4
= Millie Rabbit 17 9 4
= Sherisse Shelton 19 13 4
30 Andrea 1 1 3
= Barnaby Yates 4 3 3
= Dayna Mitchell 16 3 3
= Ben 4 4 3
= Oli 5 4 3
= Dale 5 5 3
= Andy 6 5 3
= Chantelle 8 5 3
= Laura Holmes 8 7 3
= Katie Stringer 40 7 3
= Vivienne Teckoe 61 12 3
41 Nikki Acraman 1 1 2
= Nelia 1 1 2
= Wendy 2 1 2
= Matt 3 1 2
= Tom 2 2 2
= Maddie N 5 2 2
= Sarah Philpot 14 2 2
= Dayle Hayward 3 3 2
= Sarah 4 3 2
= Helen Brampton 5 4 2

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