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Most catches for Winterfold

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Matches Catches
1 Deb Styles 18 21
2 Becky Hull 20 15
3 Hayley Graham 19 10
4 Louisa Knight 20 7
5 Amy Lidbetter 17 6
6 Amanda Curry 19 4
7 Rex Maffet 5 3
= Abigail Moss 8 3
9 Debs 2 2
= Becky 3 2
= Louisa 4 2
= Sienna Haydon 6 2
= Val Oakes 7 2
= Sian Curtis 7 2
= Ruth Arthur 21 2
= Cynthia Hodgson 22 2
17 Jess Nunn 1 1
= Debbie 1 1
= Frankie 2 1
= Val 2 1
= Lisa 3 1
= Lisa Haydon 5 1
= Hannah Oakes 5 1
= Ellie 5 1
= Jane Knight 24 1