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Most run-outs for Wonersh

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Matches Run-outs
1 Abi 34 4
= Georgia 37 4
= Tracey 39 4
4 Tracy 9 3
= Immie 17 3
= Hayley 27 3
7 Abi P 4 2
= Julie 10 2
= Kirsten Davenport 14 2
= Lizzie 14 2
= Sharon 59 2
12 Kirsten 1 1
= Rachel 2 1
= Amy 3 1
= Abby 5 1
= Immie Macey 9 1
= Emily 10 1
= Fee 16 1
= Leah Woodley 20 1
= Lydia 30 1
= Josie 41 1